HUGE Store-wide Sale for 2025!
In store shopping at MiniMansions is a customer's delight! OVER 40% -60% OFF most items in stock! Please call or text to RESERVE AM , PM, OR FULL DAY! FREE ITEMS & GRAB BAGS!
Mini Mansions is proud to offer friendly service and extensive, unique inventory.
At Mini Mansions, you'll enjoy the warm welcome and surprise of a full-line shop with a country-like atmosphere.
We can't wait to see you!
Call-ahead shopping & miniature shows complement our new website which currently provides a limited number of accessories, dolls & furniture for sale which will be changing in upcoming weeks.
The adjacent picture highlights Nancy Duden’s hand-painted china.
We are located in Owensboro KY, approximately 2 hours from Nashville TN or Louisville KY, and only 45 minutes from Evansville IN.
Having been in the miniature retail business since 1986, our current location provides a large selection of both handcrafted, collectible items for adult collectors as well as playable furniture and accessories for children.